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Khulood Al Fadli

Projects & Achievements

My projects and achievements have left an indelible mark, securing Guinness World Records and earning prominent features in global news outlets, signifying a dedication to innovation and excellence that resonates on a global scale.

Capturing the Guinness Journey: A Pictorial Tale of Record-Breaking Achievement

Capturing the Guinness Journey: A Pictorial Tale of Record-Breaking Achievement


Guinness World Record: Largest Map out of Bottle Caps

In the transformative year of 2021, I achieved an extraordinary milestone by earning a Guinness World Record for crafting the world's largest map entirely composed of bottle caps, spanning a remarkable 250 square meters. What makes this colossal map even more special is the collaborative effort that went into its creation, with the enthusiastic participation of students from Green Leaves Playgroup. Each meticulously arranged bottle cap tells a story of dedication to repurposing materials, advocating for eco-friendly practices, and showcasing the immense potential for transformative art.

This record-breaking achievement not only celebrates innovation but also serves as an inspiring beacon, encouraging others to explore the boundless possibilities of creative sustainability. The journey to this Guinness World Record has been a voyage of imagination, resourcefulness, and a commitment to leaving a positive footprint on our world, with the invaluable contributions of the young minds at Green Leaves Playgroup leaving an indelible mark on this remarkable project, one bottle cap at a time.

Guinness World Record: Largest Mosaic Wall out of Bottle Caps

In a groundbreaking achievement, I secured a Guinness World Record by constructing the world's largest wall made entirely of bottle caps, spanning an impressive 383 square meters. This colossal creation serves as a symbol of Green Saudi, intricately weaving together the threads of the past, the present, and the future, encapsulating a vision of sustainability that transcends time.

This monumental wall, adorned with carefully arranged bottle caps, stands not only as a testament to creative ingenuity but also as a profound representation of a commitment to environmental consciousness. Its colossal presence serves as a reminder that through innovative initiatives and sustainable practices, we can bridge the gaps between generations, fostering a green legacy for Saudi Arabia and inspiring a harmonious coexistence between the realms of history, the present moment, and the aspirations of the future.

Championing Excellence: Celebrating Milestones and Recognitions

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